23 Nov 2022

Holding an AGM

Information for branch committee into holding annual general meetings

Local annual general meetings (AGMs) should be held between October and April, preferably between October and December.

  1. No quorum is defined for annual general meetings.
  2. The conduct of the AGM of a regional, branch or discussion group is controlled by its chair.
  3. Every regional, branch and discussion group should hold an AGM in each calendar year.
  4. At least 14 days before every AGM of a region, branch or discussion group, notice of the meeting should appear in The Biomedical Scientist or have been sent to every relevant regional, branch and discussion group member.
  5. Each nomination for the election of an officer or a committee member of a regional, branch and discussion group must be in writing (email is sufficient) and accompanied by a declaration by the nominee that he/she is prepared to accept office if elected. The nomination must be deposited with the chairman of the meeting before the election takes place. Nominees must be corporate members of the Institute.
  6. Notices and agendas of meetings are prepared by the secretary in consultation with the chair. Each notice of meeting should state clearly its date, time and place and, if appropriate, that it is an AGM.
Suggested order of business:
  1. Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting
  2. Business arising from minutes
  3. Council reports
  4. Secretary’s reports
  5. Treasurer’s reports
  6. Social organiser’s reports
  7. Reports from representatives of affiliated local (ie branch or discussion) groups
  8. Election of officers and committees
  9. Appointment of representative to region or branch
  10. Resolutions
  11. Future activities
  12. Any other business